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Haki Systems: Fawley Power Station

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The decommissioning of Fawley Power Station near Southampton may at first appear to have little in common with the glamour of Hollywood and TV production, but the unique round structure housing the control room for the station has appeared in some iconic films including Rollerball, Mission Impossible – Rogue Nation and Solo: A Star Wars Story as well as Red Dwarf, Spies and Endeavour on the small screen.

It was the buildings iconic shape which meant that when Hertfordshire based MBM Scaffolding had to supply access solutions for its demolition, they knew that Haki birdcages and mobile stairtowers supplied by UK System Scaffold Hire would be the perfect answer.

Supplying various internal scaffold towers to create safe access to the dome shaped ceiling as well as both internal and external birdcages, the choice of Haki systems with its large, open grid sizes (3.05 X 3.05m) resulted not only in significant savings in components, but also guaranteed ease of access and much lighter structures making mobile stair towers much easier to push in to position.


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